Hi, In my project there are lot of modules. Each module has their own configuration data. I want maintain this configuration throw singleton class. Upto now there is no proble. Problem is when i am using Cluster. So what is the behaviour of Singleton in cluster environment. Is the Singleton data is synchronized in all servers in cluster.
You cannot have a guaranteed singleton behavior on a network cluster. However if your data is read-only then you need not worry (though you may end up with multitons)
If you do want configuration data available consistently across the cluster, you could place it into the WebLogic JNDI tree and set it up to be clusterable. Moving this to the BEA/WebLogic forum... Simon
Hi, If i am using JNDI, accessing JNDI is very expencive as per my knowledge and my configuration data is also big. Should i use JNDI to hold these config data or is there any solution. Pls reply as soon as possible. Thanks and Regards Venkateswara Rao
If you are using a rototiller, you are doing it wrong. Even on this tiny ad: