Anyone ever have this problem ?
My company has WL 6.1 sp3 running on a SOlaris two machine cluster. Whenever I add a new method that is exposed by a webservice, the new methods do not show up in the WSDL
To make sur enothing was cached anywhere, I used the WL console to stop both servers. We STILL saw the webservice as available even thought both sides of the cluster were shit down. This led us to believe there was some type of caching going on someplace. Our admin stoppped and restarted the cluster service, and we STILL saw the wsdl doc !!!
Anyway . . . the only way we could get the WSDL to show the correct output was to reboot the machines themselves. This is not ideal as we don't want to be starting and stopping machines since there are other applications running besides mine.
If anyone has had any experience with this phenonmenon please share with the class!
Thanks in advance - Mike