posted 8 years ago
I am working on integrate some php file with my platform. The platform using HTML for interface and js file for functionality.
I try two appraches:
First approach: I call filename.php from form tag action and it is working but, it display the result from php file outside my platform "different url".
I want to display the result inside the interface of my platform so, I follow second approach:
Second approach: I call js file from form onsubmit. this js will change the content of some div in my html bay calling the php file.
HTML file:
js file:
Now, the problem is: it reloads the platform from the beginning of the login page! I try show some alert at the beginning of js function but it does not displayed. It seems that <input type='submit' value='Basic search' onclick="i2b2.BLAST.jsFunction()"> not call the js function instead it reloads the platform.
Any help is highly appreciated.