I am not able to add new tab functionality to browser.I already search a lot on google but nothing work.I want to load main fxml file again nad again dynamically by clicking on new tab button.
Below is Main.java file
Here is some part of First-page.fxml file which is the main view...
Below is controller of First-page.fxml
In Controller class
Tab-First-page.fxml is the copy of first-page.fxml and changes in Tab-first-page.fxml is that it does not contain Tabpane otherwise it is same as
I am able to load multiple tab from First-page.fxml but not able to open new tab from Tab-first-page.fxml that is, From main page multiple tabs can be open dynamically but from those open tabs I am not able to open new tabs. Following is the error I am getting...
Exception in
thread "JavaFX Application Thread" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
//Lot more error...
**Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at tabcheck.Home_controller.addTab(Home_controller.java:200)
... 62 more**
Home_controller.java:200 is tabpane.getTabs().add(tab); in addTab() method. I have tried every possible solution but not working,please any one can help?
I have also try to do it by adding listener in addTab() but still null pointer exception is coming...also search on other websites but nothing is working...please anybody can help??