System: Mac OS X 10.95
Eclipse Mars 1 (release 4.5.1)
Java SE8, JDK 1.8
Tomcat 8
AngularJS 1.4.5
Hi all,
I am new to Java, Eclipse, Tomcat. I have been trying to run an AngularJS app on Eclipse which is integrated with Java app at the back end (and mySql). I set up my first project as a dynamic web project and developed all the angularJS files and all data are hardcoded till now. I ran my Angular project in and it works perfectly. Now the challenge is to run on a local server.
For that i am trying to use Tomcat.
1) I have installed Tomcat 8 on my /Applications/Tomcat directory
2) Running ./ starts up Tomcat server and the localhost:8080 gives me the Apache Tomcat homepage
3) When i try to go to Manage App (
http://localhost:8080/manager/html) it gives me "401 Unauthorized You are not authorized to view this page....." error
4) I have created a new role for manager-gui and add a user tomcatadmin assigning all roles... in the tomcat-users.xml ..... but in vain, the login form keeps popping up.
5) When i go to my app index.html page (
http://localhost:8080/MyApp/WebContent/index.html) it gives me "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)"
So i went back to Eclipse and checked all the server configuration.
6) Eclipse->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs->Java SE8
7) Eclipse->Preferences->Server->Runtime Environment-> Apache Tomcat v8.0
8) On the server tab in Eclipse..... i created a new server by right clicking. In the Define a new server, i selected Apache->Tomcat v8.0 server
------- in the same "Define a new Server" form, at the bottom There are 3 fields (and sometimes there are only two) namely: Server's Host Name, Server Name, Server Runtime Environment (this last option is not available sometime). I am guessing that is because the server is detected from our previous configuration in Eclipse->Preferences->Server->Runtime Environment-> Apache Tomcat v8.0.
9) After setting up the server and when i try to run (from eclipse) i get "everal ports (8080, 8009) required by Tomcat v8.0 Server at localhost (2) are already in use. The server may already be running in another process, or a system process may be using the port. To start this server you will need to stop the other process or change the port number(s).".
10) I noticed that the Tomcat ./ that i successfully ran was assigned to another process and not my main App. I have been looking at tutorial to change the port numbers but i dont understand why i need to do that since i don't want to run any other apps anyway. I just want to configure this tomcat server for one app only.
11) So i shut down my already started Tomcat from terminal (./ and then use the "Start the server" play button on Eclipse. Now the server is started from Eclipse and the status says "[started, synchronized].
12) So i went back to localhost:8080 and found no page "HTTP Status 404 - / type Status report message / description The requested resource is not available."
I realized i am not configuring my environment properly..... i am new to this.. Can anyone help me set this up please? I will be developing Java back end too, with mySQL as database. Any help is appreciated. Let me know if i should clarify further.