So I'm a generalist
Java developer and I've more than 10 years of experience. After five years spent in the same company, I'm forced to search for another job: because of contract policy I can't stay anymore at my position and I'll have to move away in 5 months.
During the past years I've been working for different domain (finance, administration) and with different technologies around Java (Swing,
EJB 2, Struts1 and 2, Spring 2 and 3, Hibernate, and recently Groovy, Grails and BPMN with a Java engine).
Now when I look for a job, there are plenty of different profile, just for server side: JEE, Spring+hibernate, Vert.x, and other esoteric frameworks or non java (node.js)
Add a mixture of client side stuff (CSS3 and HTML5,
JSF, other JSP technology, GWT (and Vaadin), a sick amount of js frameworks leaded by
angular , and even a bit of Swing and/or JavaFx).
I've started to look for a new job, I even had some interviews, but it's hard for me to be proficient in technologies I've not used for years (JEE) and often it's required to be proficient in a target techno that I don't know (vert.x + angular or Vaadin for examples).
I'm a bit affraid of finding only maintenance project, that will bury me into the 'has been' developer pile, working with legacy JEE5 /
Struts or Swing.
In another hand I'm a bit afraid of not being able to sustain the surge of new technologies to learn to stay sharp on the market: I've learn a lot of stuff that are not relevant anymore, and picking the right next technology is quite a gamble today. I have to admit that with the years I have less time to spare on experimenting and learning new stuff, and reading tech books is now less fun for me that it used to be. I'm somewhat bored with the "everything is computer" attitude I used to have, and I have now a family to care.
I've started to actively learn JEE6 and 7 to sell myself as a Spring and JEE expert, and I'm working on passing few Oracle certification to give myself some credit. Ultimately I think that having a JEE Architect certification can help me going further the developer role.
But right now, I'm totally sure of what could be a smart move, I'm a bit concerned about the future: what will be the technology, the skillset (BigData, AI, ...) and even if a developer will still be required in 10 or 20 years.
In my shoes, what will you do (or what path have you already chose) in this situation ?
Many thanks for your attention and feedback.