Kind regards / Cordialmente
José Carlos Lara Gómez / Telecommunications Engineer
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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2
Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:Jose,
Welcome to CodeRanch!
Enthuware is a good choice to supplement the book. The mock exams have over 500 questions so I'm not sure what you mean that it doesn't have many examples.
Kind regards / Cordialmente
José Carlos Lara Gómez / Telecommunications Engineer
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Jose Lara wrote:My question is: Could you recommend me some mock exams for this certificate? I don't know if there is some nice book for it or something else. I know about this program call Enthuware, but I was checking and there are not so many examples. Also, I was doing this free example test and there are some questions that currently are not anymore in the exam (like drag-and-drop) so I am not so sure if this is a good way to practice for the real exam.
Jose Lara wrote:Also, would you recommend me to check any other book? I found this one really good, but I am not so sure if it is updated to the current exam topics. If you think that there is something missing, please let me know.
Roel De Nijs wrote:Hi Jose Lara,
First of all, a warm welcome to CodeRanch!
Jose Lara wrote:My question is: Could you recommend me some mock exams for this certificate? I don't know if there is some nice book for it or something else. I know about this program call Enthuware, but I was checking and there are not so many examples. Also, I was doing this free example test and there are some questions that currently are not anymore in the exam (like drag-and-drop) so I am not so sure if this is a good way to practice for the real exam.
In the OcajpFaq (besides other very useful information) and this thread you'll find an overview of all available resources (study guides, mock exams,...) to thorougly prepare yourself for the certification exam. And on the OcajpWallOfFame you'll find plenty of (links to) experiences from other ranchers (including resources they have used). So it can be useful to determine which resources are useful (and which are not).
Jose Lara wrote:Also, would you recommend me to check any other book? I found this one really good, but I am not so sure if it is updated to the current exam topics. If you think that there is something missing, please let me know.
K&B7 is probably the best study guide available on the market for the OCAJP7 (and OCPJP7) certification exam(s). So there is no need to purchase/check any other study guides. But you could always use another study guide as a complementary resource, certainly when your mock exam scores would be (very) low.
Hope it helps!
Kind regards,
Kind regards / Cordialmente
José Carlos Lara Gómez / Telecommunications Engineer
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Jose Lara wrote:It is good to know that I used the best study guide hehe Normally I pass all the mock exams that I am trying, but I don't want to risk...
Roel De Nijs wrote:
Jose Lara wrote:It is good to know that I used the best study guide hehe Normally I pass all the mock exams that I am trying, but I don't want to risk...
If you are using Enthuware mock exams (or any other mock exams), it might be very useful to read this thread as well. So you don't make the mistake of rushing through all the mock exams. And here you'll find another post with similar advice and another bunch of useful links.
Hope it helps!
Kind regards,
Kind regards / Cordialmente
José Carlos Lara Gómez / Telecommunications Engineer
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Jose Lara wrote:Thanks for all the advices. I really like this forum.
Kind regards / Cordialmente
José Carlos Lara Gómez / Telecommunications Engineer
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Roel De Nijs wrote:
Jose Lara wrote:I did it! First attempt and 88%
Congratz!(I'll reserve the fancy congratulations for when you have shared your experiences
Kind regards / Cordialmente
José Carlos Lara Gómez / Telecommunications Engineer
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