Hello Everyone,
I am working on a specific project that includes javafx(visualization) and
Java SE.Unfortunately ı couldn't solve one problem
The problem is;
I would like to assign variables with dynamic name like "label1,label2,label3,label4".In this case I wanted to define "label"
string and add other numbers automatically near this string using "for loop" (In instance ; "label"+1 , "label"+2, "label"+3 ).
Ofcourse I tried to use "arraylist" and "Hashmap" class.But I dont want to define any integer number to these variables.I just would like to create these variable names dynamically.Because ı will have almost 100 Label and all labels will be assigned like label1,label2,label3,label4,label5......
The reason of not defining any integer numbers to these labels i ; I will use them in java fx scene builder to initialize and set some textfields to them.
My code is;
After getting correct label , I will make : label1.setText(Global.variable.get()); -> it will set Global.variable string value to labe1 ,label2, label3 ................label100
Thank you in advance.