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enable full text searh by saving doc url rather then saving document directly in the mongodb

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Hello All,
Can we enable full text content searching in mongodb where we save document url like in the db rather then saving the document only.

Thanks in advance
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shikha nirankari wrote:Can we enable full text content searching in mongodb where we save document url like in the db rather then saving the document only.

So if I understand correctly, you would like to store the URL from an article/document/blog in MongoDB, but have full content searching abilities? Even when the content of the article/blog/document was changed after the URL was added to the database?
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yes this is what i m looking for. the link you shared is not working.
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shikha nirankari wrote:yes this is what i m looking for.

I am not a MongoDB expert at all. In fact, I have no experience at all with MongoDB. But my common sense tells me that's probably not gonna work for a variety of reasons. Probably the most important one is performance: if you execute a search query all these documents need to be fetched in order to be able to do a full text search. That would result in very, very, very slow searching. So why are you interested in this functionality?

shikha nirankari wrote:the link you shared is not working.

That makes sense because I didn't share any link
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Hi Roel,
it is possible and will not even slow down the performance.

fulltext search can be done at db level with saving docs in the db only rather in elasticsearch which will infact give better performance.
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shikha nirankari wrote:it is possible and will not even slow down the performance.

fulltext search can be done at db level with saving docs in the db only rather in elasticsearch which will infact give better performance.

But this scenario is different from the one you have described in your original post: you want to save the document URL instead of the actual document content and still have a full text search. So either I have misunderstood your question (although you have confirmed that was what you are looking for) or you have changed the requirements for one (or more) reasons.
Yeah, but how did the squirrel get in there? Was it because of the tiny ad?
a bit of art, as a gift, the permaculture playing cards

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