This week's book giveaway is in the Design and Architecture forum. We're giving away four copies of Communication Patterns: A Guide for Developers and Architects and have Jacqui Read on-line! See this thread for details.
When I deploy an application with .ear file, which contains war file (JSPs and servlets) and jar (EJBs), are the EJBs and JSPs/Servlets running in same JVM? If yes, I can use local interafces of EJB2.0, otherwise, I have to use remote interfaces.
Yes, the Web and EJB Containers for WebLogic run in the same JVM. This is true for basically every modern J2EE Server. Therefore, if you package your war with your ejbs then you will be able to access them using the local interfaces. This is also what I recommend for the majority of J2EE Deployments.