I am
testing some
J2EE applications and have the following problem.
I wrote a Test Client which makes some DB calls using the Session Facade
Pattern. As client and server are on the same machine, I didnt create a client.jar file with the bunch of interfaces, value objects, client file etc., but directly called the client from command line.
I want to seperate client and server (2 different machines).
What do I have to do on my client machine and on my server machine in order to get this scenario running ?
1. How do I create a client.jar file with all the relevant files including the stub for remote calling ? Is there a tool which can create this jar file ? Can the client.jar exist without an .ear file ? I deployed my EJBs just in a .jar file, not in an .ear file ....
2. I suppose weblogic.jar is needed on the client machine + my client.jar file. Is this what represents the client container? Is there anything else that I have to take care off ?
Please help me, I am stuck so far :-(