under applications directory in your mydomain directory, create a dir named your contextroot.
To deploy it,
1. all programs> bea> user projects > mydomain > startserver(
2. go to localhost:7001/console. This opens the console for the example server.
3. Go to mydomain > deployments > webapplication modules on the left navigation bar
4.click on deploy a new web app module
5.You have to go all the way to domains>mydomains>applications>yourcontextroot
You should see a radio button at this point. If not, you should create a war file under yourcontextroot folder OR you should have a WEB-INF directory which has web.xml in it.
I AM NOT SURE ABOUT .WAR(whether it's optional or mandatory).
7.your jsp should be anywhere in your contextroot.
8.Select the web app and click Target module, your web app is ready
9.call localhost:7001\yourcontextroot\....path to your jsp