I guess I understand how to set up a receiver, but am confused about how to get the midi info from my receiver and print it through System.out.println(). Ive got a basic idea of how the code I need to write might look, but am lost on certain concepts that I can't seem to find any information on

The way I'm thinking of it is that I have a MyReceiver class which implements Receiver, and a MidiToPrint class which contains methods that are used to print the midi info, then in my main arguments ill create a MidiToPrint object which will call a printMidi method from the MidiToPrint class which I created. Im just really confused about how the information is supposed to flow from the receiver to my MidiToPrint object. These are all ideas I've thought up so I'm sure there might be a better way to think about it, but sadly i can't really find that much information on coding with midi other than examples of specific problems on stack overflow which are a little beyond the simple task I wish to accomplish