I have a tablemodel of five columns then I need to apply filters in this order. First I need to filter TAXI in column 0 then to filter OBS in column 2 and finally STATUS in column 3.
I have tree groups of buttons on three JPanels and tree groups of variables for those three JPanels.
Inside every JPanel there is an orFilter:
for TaxiPanel :
filtersTaxi=(TAXI01 or TAXI02 or TAXI03 or TAXI04 or TAXI05 or TAXI06)
for ObsPanel :
filtersObs=(Confort or Mechanical)
for StatusPanel :
filtersStatus=(Process or Finished)
So what I'm trying to get is a something like this:
First of all post a proper SSCCE when asking a code. The reason your last question had 18 replies is because you didn't simplify the code or question.
Your question is about using a filter so there is absolutely no need to post 500 lines of code. All you need is a JFrame with a JTable and some data in the table. A SSCCE can be created in about 20-30 lines of code.
Read the section from the Swing tutorial on Sorting and Filtering for the basics and simple code to learn from.
The following code is modified from the TableFilterDemo and shows how to use the "RowFilter.andFilter(...)".
Change the demo code to get it working. Then once you understand the basics you can fix your real code.