First of all thrilled to have the author to talk to and hats off on putting out the book on block chain it has some really good reviews on Amazon. In every conference and innovation centers we have been hearing about block chain, its the buzz world, but sadly nobody has a clear view on how this is going to affect the enterprise world where data is the core and needs to remain centralized.
For example the insurance industry, will block chain penetrate the same? I have been playing around with Ethereum and smart contracts and know the basics.
from the description in Amazon "we should imagine new opportunities, and tackle even more ambitious problems that cross organizational, regulatory and mental boundaries. ", can you please state an example where a traditional industry like insurance can employ the same and benefit from it?
There is a foreword from Vitalik Buterin so I assume the books contain examples or pointer to ethereum, does it discuss on the wider scope of how an enterprise should select /use and transition to the block chain world, because this is going to be the toughest challenge enterprise architects and consultants will face, every client wants to know how and where he can use block chain an how to make
profit out of the same.