Your mission should you choose to accept it.
Write a
Java program that allows the teacher to calculate the grade for a student. The teacher will first enter the
Student ID number, first name, and last name. This will be followed by entering in the score for each of the following
categories: Assignments, Quizzes, Midterm Exam, & Final Exam
The weights for each category are as follows:
Assignments - 50%
Quizzes – 20%
Midterm – 10%
Final – 20%
Once you have the scores for each individual category, calculate a total score for the course. Then assign a letter grade
to the student based on the following grade scale:
90 – 100 = A
80 – 90 = B
70 – 80 = C
60 – 70 = D
< 60 = E
Print the results in exactly the following format:
[Last Name], [First Name]
Student ID: [Student ID]
Homework: [Homework Score]
Quizzes: [Quizzes Score]
Midterm: [Midterm Score]
Final: [Final Score]
Total Score: [Total Score] Grade: [Letter Grade]
Then ask the user if they would like to enter another student or quit. Continue the process until the user chooses to
This is what I have so far