You can configure your JMS settings, using the WebLogic Admin console.
1. Start the myserver.
2. Using the Administration console, configure the following:
3. Create a new
JDBC Connection Pool.
e.g Name = MyConnectionPool
URL = jdbc:weblogic:mssqlserver4:MyDB@serverName:1433
Driver class = weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.Driver (ensuring that the driver class is in the classpath)
Properties = databasename=MyDB user=sa
Target chosen = myserver
4. Create a new JMS ConnectionFactory.
e.g Name = exampleConnectionFactory
JNDIName = weblogic.examples.jms.QueueConnectionFactory
Target chosen = myserver
5. Create a new JMS store, using the JDBC Connection factory which you created in step 3.
6. Create a new JMS server, using the JMS store which you created in step5.
7. Click on "configure Destinations" to Configure the JMS destinations for this JMS server as follows:
a. Configure a new JMS queue for the new JMS server.
e.g Name = exampleQueue
JNDIName = weblogic.examples.jms.exampleQueue
EnableStore = default
b. Configure a new JMS topic for the new JMS server.
e.g. Name= exampleTopic
JNDIName = weblogic.examples.jms.exampleTopic
EnableStore = default