Jeremy Pierson wrote:Hello everyone,
I just finished my first semester in Java and for my final project I decided to create a program that would read an excel sheet, sort the data, and output the new data to a new excel sheet. I got the program to work and my professor loved the idea. He said I could make the project easier by making it more object oriented. I wasn't able to get him to elaborate on specifics before the semester ended, so I figured I would ask here. I decided to re-do a good portion of the program. Some of the comments are irrelevant, I had to teach myself to use Java with excel, so a few comments are just instructions/reminders.
Here is what I have so far.
Here is the excel sheet I am reading from (minus the names): (image tags didn't work)
Here is an example of the output:
One thing I wanted the program to do, but was having a hard time implementing was a rotation for the employees (rotate the employees through the sections so they wouldn't work the same section multiple times a week). I was thinking I could serialize an array for each employee, for example {0,0,0,0, etc...} with the available sections as the index. The program would deserialize the array, compare the values (lowest value assigns employee to that section, if values are equal (multiple zeros), randomly picks an employee for that section), +1 to the element of that index if employee is assigned to the section, and serialize the array again. This would occur for some period of time (2 weeks?) or deserialization amount and then reset the values back to zero.
I have never worked with serializing objects, so I'm not sure if it's possible. Would this method work?
Your image link above didn't work either.
It's hard to guide you through OO without having more information about the problem domain.
Does a Schedule have Employees? Or does a Schedule have Shifts that have Sections that have Employees? You see where I'm going? You need to break the problem down into relationships between entities.
Code like above may indicate what you want to see in the output spreadsheet but it doesn't give you a logical representation that you can process easily. These strings shouldn't be necessary until you go to write the output. For a logical representation you might consider making an enum of all of the individual cases, e.g. "Breaker Back" or "3", and have a list of those for each section.
Regarding serialization/deserialization (assuming you mean this in the Java vernacular), forget about it. If you have a good logical layout to your classes you should easily be able to copy lists or arrays of data or you can create copy constructors for your own classes to copy them
Drop the parens, they are unnecessary. You should become very familiar with operator precedence in order to avoid clutter. On the flip side, parens are encouraged when doing bit manipulation because most programmers are only somewhat familiar with bit operator precedence.
"OFF" ... This is really a constant and as such the name should be in all CAPS. You have a number of variables that should be implemented as constants.
The "else" is missing braces and the indentation implies that the 5 statements below are part of the "else" block, which they are not.
As far as OOP goes, look for nouns, e.g. "Employee". That will suggest classes that you will need to make. Look for "is-a" relationship between classes, that will suggest using inheritance (may not apply to your specific application. Look for "has-a" relationships, that will suggest what classes should contain other classes as fields, especially fields that need to be implemented as a collection, e.g. list-of or array-of.
When you break this down into OOP you should end up with only one read() and one write() (or load() and save()) method.
I don't know if this site will let you go back and edit your original post but your long lines (anything longer than 80-120 characters) are making your post extremely difficult to read. Please edit and fix if you can.
Carey Brown wrote:Regarding serialization/deserialization (assuming you mean this in the Java vernacular), forget about it. If you have a good logical layout to your classes you should easily be able to copy lists or arrays of data or you can create copy constructors for your own classes to copy them...
Jeeremy Pierson wrote:As for the serialization issue. I'm not really following how the copy lists or copy constructors would work for that. Would the data be saved when the program is closed and re-opened the following day? i.e. Employee1 worked "3" yesterday, therefore they aren't assigned "3" today?
Jeremy Pierson wrote:I had a hard time thinking of a way to implement inheritance (is-a relationship).
Carey Brown wrote:
Jeremy Pierson wrote:I had a hard time thinking of a way to implement inheritance (is-a relationship).
You don't necessarily have an "is-a" relationship, but just keep your eye out in case one becomes apparent. As an example, you might have an Employee and a subclass Contractor, in which case you would have Contractor is-an Employee.
Often when you have a boolean field the name will be prefixed with "is", as in "isPregnant" and "isFullTime". Then the setters would be setPregnant() and setFullTime() and the getters would be isPregnant() and isFullTime().
You have a method getContract() but it returns fullTime. Again, better expressed as isFullTime().
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