I was just wondering how to get into developing real mobile apps? I know the question sounds stupid but here is what's going on:
I have some knowledge of
Java (developed a little personal project etc.), basic SQL, Hibernate and build systems knowledge. Recently I've looked into Android SDK, did some fairly simple things with multiple activities, animations and so on. The question is - what now? Having basic knowledge of things doesn't give me any clue how to develop and how a real mobile application should look and the most important thing - what do people expect from a product. Finding a job would be nice but i am under the impression for that I actually must have the skills and experience I lack. I guess I'm also asking for advice about some open source projects which would accept a guy like me - willing to learn and work.
I'm also not familiar with networking in general, so I'm missing a vital part of my backend knowledge. However when I talk to people (already accomplished developers), they tell me I could best learn about that while working on a real project.
So, that's it. Tanks in advance