--------------------------ERROR MESSAGE START------------------------------- java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/crimson/tree/TextNode at com.xxxxxx.online.delegate.wfxml.WfXmlGuy.buildWfXmlTriggers(WfXmlGuy.java:58)--------------------------ERROR MESSAGE END-------------------------------
Somebody suggested that its because rt.jar needs to be added in the classpath.
Where do I need to add in the startWeblogic.sh file? I tried appending it to the end of the following entry.. CLASSPATH=$WL_HOME:$WL_HOME/../patches/CR105772_610sp5.jar:$WL_HOME/lib/weblogic.jar
I do not think that this is up to the rt.jar as this jar is part of the JRE and already included by your JAVA_HOME!
You seem to miss a Library concerning XML Parsing xerxes.jar or dom4j.jar (but I am not sure)! Grap all your jars you used for this programme together and put it into your /WEB-INF/lib directory so you do not have to think about your classpath!