(for TL;DR - skip down to dashes)
I'm in an unenviable position. Last employee in what used to be a 12 person development
unit. Everyone else has retired. I am tasked with converting two applications from Oracle Forms & Reports to
Java. I am tightly restricted in what tools I can use. I originally began learning Java under JDS 7.0.0 with JDK 1.6.0_43. My organization was exploring several tools and versions and using these two I was able to write a practice program that connected to our development database, read a row of data from a table, and displayed that data in a web page. However, I had to set aside teaching myself Java for over a year. I am now trying to pick up from where I left off, but my organization has now standardized on JDS 9.1.0.GA and JDK 1.8.0_45. The good news is most of the sample programs I've tried writing appear to work. However, I'm having no luck writing a program that connects to our development database using JPA. I set aside my prior examples and began a new sample program. I tried to create a stripped down sample that just has one web page, one java source file defining a single entity from our development database, and display that data in the web page. Step one was just a web page that displays "hello world". Without JPA, the hello world web page diplays fine. When I add JPA, I get no identified problems in JDS, but the server does generate errors that I have been unable to resolve by searching on the web.
I am using:
JDS 9.1.0.GA
JDK 1.8.0_45
Within JDS, I created a dynamic web project. The project facets are:
Dynamic Web Module 3.0
Java 1.6
JavaScript 1.0
I do have a defined datasource that is logged in and I can browse the datasource's tables within JDS.
I create a simple web page (test.xhtml). I also add a java source file (site.java) with one entity from our development database (doesn't really get used yet). I run test.xhtml and it displays "hello world" just fine.
I add the facet:
JPA 2.1
I attempt to configure persistence.xml (I say attempt because I think my issue lies here, but I'm not sure). Now when I start the server, I get errors and the test page won't display.
Here is the contents of my persistence.xml (masked sensitive data with #####):
These appear to be the primary errors when starting the server:
I'm not finding that error particularly informative, and when I try to run test.xhtml it fails to display.
I've tried looking up JPA tutorials around the web, but due to the hardline restrictions on what software I can use, I haven't found a tutorial that duplicates my environment. My end goal in this sample is to have the test web page display a single row of data pulled from our development database. For now, I was just trying to get it to display the same "hello world" I had before adding JPA.
I'm a greenhorn here. While I don't care if your response highlights my lack of knowledge, it would be nice if the response was not written at such a high level that I cannot understand it.
Thank you for any assistance