Today I went for Interview and following question asked and I gave my best bet, please correct me if I am wrong
1. What is the next number in series :: 00122436485
my best bet :: 1
2. There are 25 house, 10 house have less than 6 room, 10 house has more than 7 room, 4 house has more than 8 room how many house have either 6 or 7 or 8 room.
my best bet :: 11
3. There are four people namely, A, B, C, D , which needs to cross bridge , only 2 poeple can cross at once in night, there is only one night lamp, one person need to carry lamp
following is the time taken by each
A : 10 mins
B: 5 mins
c : 2 mins
D : 1 min
first D will cross along with A, then go back and cross with B, and then with C will totally take 19 mins
Question : how they will take 17 mins , please tell the process , it was written that 17 min is valid option.
4. Write puesdocode to reverse the
string but not letter : like 'his voice is loud" should be "loud is voice his"
5.write pudeocode to write all permutation combination of N letter like "abc" has 6 different combination write generic program