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How to start learning Artificial Intelligence?

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Hi All,
With due respect to all , can someone advice me how to start learning Artificial Intelligence (AI). I am very new in AI and want to start from the basics. I am very grateful, if you also mention the prerequisite (if any), any resources like books, websites etc.

Thanks & Regards
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There are machine learning / artificial intelligence courses on Coursera.org that look pretty interesting. I have them on my ToDo list.
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I wonder...bare with me for a moment.
I recall a number of years ago, going back to Quake 2 for the PC, there were people creating AI bots/computer players. I think that they were using C/C++ for this back then. Some of these bots were really rather good.

Just recently one of Elon Musk's hobbies/teams used AI to win at a first person game against one of the top players of that game.
So there is also the path of AI in terms of games.

I do find this topic very interesting.
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Basic AI is an option in our local BSc course in Computer Sciences.
Pete Letkeman
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If you are looking for an online resource, which may not be too beginner friendly, then you can try exploring
which uses this tag line
"The Home of Data Science & Machine Learning Kaggle helps you learn, work, and play"

The one thing that may interest some people is that Kaggle regularly hosts competitions where you can win more than $1000 USD, sometimes even more thn $50,000 depending on the sponsor.
Kaggle was used in part get a better method for Netflix recommendation algorithm and the winners got more then $1000 USD.  
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Sorry for pitching in so late to this thread.

But I too would like to get started with Machine Learning. I think it can give me some new insight to problem solving.

What would be best way ahead for me? Doing course or is there any place I can get started with simple problems in this domain?
Pete Letkeman
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I suppose the first thing to look at is what do you mean by AI?
After you have defined AI to yourself I would then look back at my schooling history.
In the past if you were able to learn by taking on a project or did you prefer the classroom setting?

I'm sure that there are projects that you can tackle on your own and when you get into problems you can ask for help.
  • These type of projects tend to be free or close very little.
  • You are free to work on this as much or as little as you want during the week.
  • If it's a project that only you are working on then the deadline is something that you define.
  • You most likely won't get any certification upon completion.

  • Or, if you go to an online course like Udacity or Coursera then you can do weekly assignments and participate in discussions with peers who are working on the same problem at the same time.
  • Some of these classes can be expensive.
  • This will most likely require a set block of time each and every week. Are you able to set enough time aside to complete the weekly work?
  • There is usually a deadline for the work and an end to the course.
  • You will most likely get a certification upon completion.

  • I should point out that some online courses may rely heavily on the books/resource material, so much so that the books/resource material may be enough for you without even having a class.
    I recall that this was the case for me at the local college where the instructor extensively used one book for the whole class.
    The tests even came out of the end of the chapter tests so people were just mesmerizing those tests and completing the weekly tests in minutes.

    I'm not advertising anything, but there appears to be learning material for Google's TensorFlow.
    The learning material appears to be free for low cost for the most part.
    I'm not 100% sure what the costs are for TensorFlow in commercial projects.

    Just yesterday I came across this https://aiyprojects.withgoogle.com, which uses some Google libraries and a RasberryPI.
    These projects are said to use AI, I think that you need to know some Python to take full advantage of the setup.

    Anyways, just my two cents worth,
    s ravi chandran
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    Thanks for the response. Any pointers where I can find such projects.

    I learn faster when actually doing coding.
    Pete Letkeman
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    s ravi chandran wrote:Thanks for the response.

    You are most welcomed, we are all in this together right.

    s ravi chandran wrote:I learn faster when actually doing coding.

    It's good that you have narrowed down how you like to learn or how you learn best.

    As for resources, I'm not too sure. Here are a few thoughts.

    Find a book with good reviews regarding this topic. In some books you start a project in chapter X and you work on it for the next N chapters.
    There are some resources listed here https://coderanch.com/c/books which may help you out. Then again they may not.

    Kaggle.com, may not be the best place to start, but it's a free place to start. All you need is an email address and a password to create an account
    They have free data sets, free tutorials and free competitions.

    Maybe there is a free learn at your own pace on Udacity, I know that there are some free learn at your own pace courses on Udacity, but that is about all I know.

    While "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning" can go hand in hand they can also be separated.
    I know for instance that SAP HANA (used for big data sets) has a number of machine learning functions which are intended to be used via and SQL like language and Java and JavaScript.
    However this may have nothing to do with artificial intelligence.

    There may some Machine Learning and/or Artificial Intelligence libraries which can be used with Hadoop. And Hadoop plays rather nicely with Java, so maybe this could be your way in?

    Were you able to find out what Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning means to you? These are still rather abstract concepts and they can mean different things to different people.

    As far as actual projects? Well here are a few off the top of my head:
  • the game of checkers or chess
  • food/item classifications system
  • computer AI bots for games like Halo, Quake
  • face/intruder recognition systems
  • traffic (air, sea, road) analysis systems
  • recommendation engines like Amazon's "if you like this book then how about that book?"
  • cold and flu virus predictions/tracking for your country/state and the world.
  • vehicle/automotive maintenance predictions/tracking

  • Some of these could be easier then others and some may need data sets which are not easy to come by.

    Hope this helps out and this is about the extent of my knowledge on this topic.
    s ravi chandran
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    I would say machine learning is what I want to focus on.

    AI is not for me at the moment. Its too complex to be used for any solution.

    Will try to get into some books in the section. Will also check the site. Maybe it might click for me.
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    If you want to start learning AI, then I'd start by looking at some of the deep learning stuff that's going on at the minute.

    I like this guy on YouTube, as I think he explains the concepts really well: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWN3xxRkmTPmbKwht9FuE5A/videos

    This is a pretty good video too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILsA4nyG7I0

    If you really want to get into the nitty gritty (maths heavy) then I recommend this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlhFWT7vAEw&t=1559s

    In terms of practicalities, start looking a Tensorflow and learn some Python, which is often used to build machine learning models.

    Hope that helps.
    Baz Edwards
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    I've recently done some research on the best books in Artificial Intelligence, in particular Deep Learning, which is booming at the minute, so I thought I'd share it with you.

    Here it is, hope it helps:

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    The courses you have for selection look very comprehensive, however you can always gain the necessary AI skillset with the help of some online tutorials -

    - Coursera - https://www.coursera.org/courses?query=artificial%20intelligence

    - Class-Central - https://www.class-central.com/subject/ai?sort=name-up

    - Udacity - https://in.udacity.com/course/intro-to-artificial-intelligence--cs271

    - Experfy - https://www.experfy.com/training/courses/uncertain-knowledge-and-reasoning-in-artificial-intelligence

    - Edx - https://www.edx.org/course/artificial-intelligence-ai-columbiax-csmm-101x-0

    - Simplilearn - r/https://www.simplilearn.com/artificial-intelligence-masters-program-training-course

    Hope all of these resources help.

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