Welcome to CodeRanch Micro Dev.
Micro Dev wrote:When I define a thread what does this mean?
Does the method in which it is defined becomes the thread? Or Does the parameter in ThreadStart becomes the Thread?
I think that the parameter becomes the method/object that you want the thread to run, but this does not necessarily become the thread.
However I could be wrong and here is some more information that I was able to find:
https://www.dotnetperls.com/threadstart wrote:We use the ThreadStart type. We create an instance of it and pass that to the Thread constructor. We also use ParameterizedThreadStart.
From the dotnetperls.com site it would appear as though ThreadStart is a type or an object which you pass to a thread.
This StackOverFlow posting seems to have a lot to say on the subject matter of ThreadStart with some samples and other links:
Hope this was helpful.