Hi guys!
Just a couple of quick things.
First, I just wanted to let you know about my recent post:
Benefits You Can Expect From Getting a Java Certification. It gathers a bunch of useful information for people thinking about getting this valuable credential.
Second, since the
Java Certification Roadmap book is featured on both the CodeRanch
OCA 7/8 Study Materials topic and the
OCAJP FAQ, I wanted to let you know an important update about it. The book is now available with a free bonus book:
57 Java Certification Tricky Questions. This new book is the perfect complement to get an even better certification preparation. It contains a selection of tricky questions (along all the answers and explanations) similar to what you can find in the real exam, so you can get familiar to them in advance and avoid them to catch you off guard while you are doing the
Happy coding and good luck!
PS: In case you're interested in the book, please don't hesitate to
contact me. I will issue a promo code to all folks contacting from Coderach.