Mohamed Sanaulla | My Blog | Author of Java 9 Cookbook | Java 11 Cookbook
Andrew Stellman
Author of Head First Agile, Learning Agile, Beautiful Teams, Head First C#, Head First PMP, and Applied Software Project Management (O'Reilly)
Vaseem Mohammed wrote:Certifications expire. Then what is the need of doing certifications?
Junilu Lacar wrote:There are many different ways people regard certifications running the spectrum from irrelevant to highly desirable and attitudes that range from dismissive to irreverent to highly valued.
Junilu Lacar wrote:Given the volatility and constant change in the body of knowledge and practice, I guess it makes sense to want to make sure people have up-to-date certifications.
Mohamed Sanaulla | My Blog | Author of Java 9 Cookbook | Java 11 Cookbook
Mohamed Sanaulla wrote:But if someone is going out to reach out to people may be for consulting tasks, for talks, for workshops then credentials backed by certifications give some credibility to the person.
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