I'm a Clojure developer and I'm very happy with Clojure (I've been using it in production since 2011 now). One of the Clojure IDEs is Cursive, which is a plugin built on IntelliJ's
IDE, and the author of Cursive, Colin Fleming, has started using Kotlin to minimize the Null Pointer Exceptions he gets when trying to work with the IntelliJ code from Clojure (idiomatic Clojure embraces null and uses it in very specific ways --
Java API code tends to throw nulls at you all the time and wrapping that in Clojure leads to non-idiomatic Clojure code that is overly focused on null handling!). Colin's enthusiasm for Kotlin has fascinated me for a while so, along with the Pragmatic Programmer's advice to learn a new language every year, this seems like a great opportunity to dig deeper into Kotlin.
I very much doubt I'd want to switch from Clojure to Kotlin but it never hurts to know another language -- and I've worked with Java, Groovy, and Scala on the JVM prior to picking up Clojure.
So far I'm still working through the Kotlin website, learning the language, but I'm quite impressed with the simplicity that Kotlin has achieved compared to Java, and I love the way it has extended a number of (ugly) Java standard library classes with convenience methods that make using those classes so much more natural and fluid (the I/O stuff in particular).