Campbell Ritchie wrote:. . . and ready for custom. A lot of functional programming uses a declarative style, where you try to say what you are doing rather than how to do it in the actual code. Much SQL is written in a declarative idiom, too.
code is emotional
code is emotional
I am not convinced about that; I think recursion is more of a methodology. It is important to use words correctly, otherwise nobody will understand one another.Giovanni Montano wrote:. . . recursion is an algorithm . . . above a language syntax . . .
Who's having a storm in a teacup? Please post everything in English.. . . en storm in een glasje definities hoor!
code is emotional
Apology acceptedGiovanni Montano wrote:. . . Sorry
Doesn't the Dutch you quoted yesterday mean, “that's a storm in a teacup”?. . . I love the Dutch expressions, are so different by my native language . . .
Yes, Alan Kay is somebody good to learn from.Alan Kay, . . .
code is emotional
code is emotional
Giovanni Montano wrote:My point is that dependency injection principle, command and strategy design patterns, and open closed principle are declarative in the same way a language can be.
I do not get your vision Stephen, jou het is en storm in een glasje definities hoor!
code is emotional
There are three kinds of actuaries: those who can count, and those who can't.
Consider Paul's rocket mass heater. |