I will not take credit for this, I'm simply copying from StackOverFlow post found here
Here is the step-by-step guide:
1) Copy and paste AndroidLog templates to Kotlin (Just select them and use CMD+C, CMD+V (or Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V)
Secondly, You have to adjust them manually: See "
Log Part 1.jpg"
2) Change expression to: kotlinMethodName() remove ; from the end of the template, as you don't need it in Kotlin. See "
Log Part 2.jpg"
Now your method name will be shown correctly.
Alternatively create a XML file name "
KotlinLog.xml" and place it in the config directory which can be found here on Windows systems "
%USERPROFILE%\.AndroidStudio3.0\config\templates" for Android Studio 3.0.
Paste this code into the
I suspect that Idea by IntelliJ/JetBrains can be handled the same way.