Hello to everybody,
I have a problem with the SSL comunication beetween IPlanet sp6 and Bea Weblogic 8.1 sp5.I have abilitated the SSL connection on WLS on ip address localhost:7002.
Then I have exported a certificate from the DemoTrust.jks and configured the paramteres in the obj.conf of iPlanet.All works very well.The problem become when I try to create my own self-cerficate and configure bea to use Custom Trust and Custom Identity.
I have created private key and stored in a self-signed certificate with the openssl tool:
openssl genrsa -out
E:\MyKeystore\mytrustkey.pem 2048
openssl req -new -x509 -key E:\MyKeystore\mytrustkey.pem -out E:\MyKeystore\mytrustcert.pem -days 1095
then with the sun keytool I have stored it in the MyCustomTrustKeyStore.jks
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias "mytrustcert" -file E:\MyKeystore\mytrustcert.pem -keystore E:\MyKeystore\MyCustomTrustKeyStore.jks -storepass mypass
then I have generated an identity key ad putten it in the MyCustomIdentityKeyStore.jks with keytool
keytool -genkey -alias myidentitykey -keystore "E:/MyKeystore/MyCustomIdentityKeyStore.jks"
then I have configured under Bea Console and seems that the server goes up well.
IPlanet side I have configured the obj.conf:before with the default jks all worked well,I have changed only the TrustedCAFile
Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST|PUT)" type="text/jsp" fn="wl_proxy" WebLogicHost="localhost" WebLogicPort="7002" HungServerRecoverSecs="600" Debug=ALL DebugConfigInfo=TRUE RequireSSLHostMatch=FALSE WLLogFile="E:/Log_JSP.txt" KeepAliveEnabled="false" SecureProxy="ON" TrustedCAFile="E:/MyKeystore/mytrustcert.pem"
the problem is that when I restart the IPlanet server and try to call the first
jsp I receive on its debug the log the following error
Wed Sep 27 13:21:25 2006 ERROR: SSLWrite failed
Wed Sep 27 13:21:25 2006 SEND failed (ret=-1) at 718 of file URL.cpp
Wed Sep 27 13:21:25 2006 *******Exception type [WRITE_ERROR_TO_SERVER] raised at line 719 of URL.cpp
Wed Sep 27 13:21:25 2006 Marking localhost:7002 as bad
Wed Sep 27 13:21:25 2006 got exception in sendRequest phase: WRITE_ERROR_TO_SERVER [os error=0, line 719 of URL.cpp]: at line 971
and it seems tha the calling does not arrive on Bea Weblogic.
Can anyone help me please?