Hi, first post.
I've made it all the way through the Sybex OCP
Java 8 Study Guide.
Overall I like it and I expect most of my questions will be answered by another readthrough.
However, I noticed a few typos that I haven't seen in the errata.
page 219 - Third paragraph. Shouldn't it be 'implementation of Set' not 'implement of Set'?
page 233 - First Localisation bullet point. Shouldn't it be "set the locale" instead of "set the local"?
page 287 - Table 6.3 Reference to Chapter 3 for DateTimeException should be Chapter 5.
page 298 - 2nd last comment line in code example. "exeption handler" should be "exception handler".
page 306 - First paragraph. Shouldn't it be "There are a few" not "There are few"?
page 428 - First sentence after the box. Is there any need for the 'a' before Serializable?
page 637 - "Too be determined"? I know it's in a
String and it will print perfectly well. It just bugs me. Should be "To be".
page 648 - The very last page. There's a reference to Option H which does not exist. Should be Option G.
Now back to page 1 for me for another try.