In our application we are referring to a webservice.
I have a WSDL and i need to generate the client stub.
we are using weblogic 10 and
Tomcat as our application / web server.
I am using weblogic 10
Ant task "clientgen" to generate the client stubs.
Client stubs / jar files are generated with out any issues.
But all the generated class files are
java 1.5 compatible (version 49).
But when we are building war / ear file we are compiling our application code (which uses above mentioned
client stubs) in java 1.4.
Since our tomcat is running in java 1.4 we need to compile our application in java 1.4.
When i am compiling i am getting the below error..
[javac] class file has wrong version 49.0, should be 48.0
I am not sure why i am getting this error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated....