For the above mentioned Main class:
public class MainMerged {
// The role of this class is to
test out all the
// programmatic systems before graphics are
// introduced
public static MessageManager messageManager = new MessageManager();
public static SceneGraphManager sceneGraph = new SceneGraphManager();
public static WebServiceFactory webServiceFactory = new WebServiceFactory();
public static GameBlackboard gameBlackBoard = new GameBlackboard();
public static XMLAdapter xmlAdapter = new XMLAdapter();
public static ObjectManager objManager = new ObjectManager();
public static ThreadFactory threadFactory;
public static CEventManager eventManager = new CEventManager();
public static PublishingManager publishManager = new PublishingManager();
public static CScheduler scheduler = new CScheduler();
public static CTaskManager taskManager = new CTaskManager();
//public static Profiler profiler = new Profiler();
public static DTIClass dtiClass = new DTIClass("Main", null);
public static OutputLog log = new OutputLog();
// UI classes
public static Inspector ins = new Inspector();
public static InspectorManager insm = new InspectorManager();
public static Manager manager = new Manager();
public static UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();
public static GameLogic gameLogic = new GameLogic();
static boolean simulate = false; // set to true to run simulation without rasterization
static RunThrough runThrough = new RunThrough();
public static InputHandler inputHandler = new InputHandler();
public static InputManager inputManager = new InputManager();
// clock object
public static CClock clock = new CClock();
public static CProfiler profiler = new CProfiler();
public static JournalManager journal = new JournalManager();
public static Shell shell = new Shell();
public static void main(
String[] args) throws InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException {
System.out.println("Welcome to NecroTek3D");
// initialize journaling system
JournalManager journaling = new JournalManager();
Thread journalingThread = new Thread(journaling);
CJournal.Journal(MainMerged.class, "Testing CJournal");
////Thread t0 = new Thread(log);
// Launch Profiler, Journal, and Logging Systems
Thread m = new Thread(profiler);
CProfiler.ProfileBegin("Main Merged");
// Launching Journal
CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Launching the Journaling ");
Thread j = new Thread(journal);
//initializing clock system
////JournalManager.JournalEntry(MainMerged.class, "main", "Launching clock timer thread");
////Thread c = new Thread(clock);
// Initialize scheduling system
////CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Launching the scheduling system");
///CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Begin Timing. Testing Timer Unit");
// Initialize a dummy timer
////CTimer dummy_timer = CTimerManager.getNewTimer(30, 2);
// Create a test message
Message message = new Message();
message.mflag = EEventMachine.TEST_EVENT_1;
CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Testing messaging system " + message.mflag.toString());
CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Set message.mflag to " + message.mflag.toString());
CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Testing Task Manager");
CTask task = new CTask();
task.message = message;
CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Set task message to dummy message");
CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Testing Scheduler");
CEvent event = new CEvent();
CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Testing Event Manager");
CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Created dummy CEvent. Pushing to event manager.");
// Initialize memory system
* CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Testing Memory System");
* CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Establishing memory pool");
* objManager.InitPool();
* CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Attempting memory request: Dummy string object"
* );
* String stringObject = (String) ObjectManager.requestObjectOfClass(String);
* //System.out.println(stringObject);
* CJournal.Journal(Main.class,
* "Attempting integer memory request. Dummy integer objects");
* Integer intObject = (Integer) ObjectManager.requestObjectOfClass();
* //test formula
* int a = 0; int b = 1; int c = intObject.intValue(); c = a + b;
* CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Dumy keycode for memory. Value is " + c +
* "should add to 1");
// Initialize Thread Pooling Thread System?
////threadFactory = Executors.defaultThreadFactory();
// initialize message manager
CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Initializing message manager");
MessageManager messageManager = new MessageManager();
// send bootstrap message
CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Testing messanger: sending bootstrapping message to messagemanager");
Message boot_strap_message = new Message();
boot_strap_message.mflag = EEventMachine.EM_BOOTSTRAP;
// initializing Scene Graph (need to perform a test, declared above)
* CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Testing Scene Graph"); SceneGraphNode sgn = new
* SceneGraphNode(); SceneGraphManager.add(sgn, SceneGraphManager.root);
// initialziing inspector (have to rewrite)
// initializing inspector manager (have to rewrite)
// initializing user interface (have to rewrite)
// initializizng web service factory
CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Initialzing web service factory...");
// initializing black board
CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Initialzing game black board...");
// launching xml reader
// launch xml reader demo
// !!!upon launching file, use hotloader to load the resources - use
// XMLSceneLoader to get objects and add to scenegraph
// load xml hexagon, start spawning position
// load fringe using hotloader
// initializing hot loader
//CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Initialzing hot loader...");
/*********Initialize Hot Loader todo***********/
// initailizing input handler (have to rewrite)
// Dumping Scene Graph Info
////CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Dumping scene graph output (loaded from XMLAdapter)");
/// starting event manager
Thread t1 = new Thread(eventManager);
// starting scheduler
Thread t2 = new Thread(scheduler);
/// running publish manager
/// initializing task manager
// Launch profiler
// Profiler.ProfileInit();
CProfiler.ProfileEnd("Main Merged");
JournalManager.JournalEntry(MainMerged.class, "main", "Preparing Game Loop");
// 2. Game Logic Init
// testing main game loop
////CJournal.Journal(Main.class, "Testing main game loop");
////Loop loop = new Loop(); // hand over to game loop
////JournalManager.JournalEntry(MainMerged.class, "main", "Preparing user interface");
//shell thread
// test bloom filter
TestBloomFilter.testBloomFilter(5, 7, 8);
//The method below works - don't touch it
////MainMerged mainMerged = new MainMerged();
//CubeObject cube = new CubeObject();
//CubeObject2 cube2= new CubeObject2();
//Renderer renderer = new Renderer(true, true);
//renderer.pushData(cube, cube2);
////Thread s = new Thread(shell);