Habarisoft released version 7.3 of its
RTF to HTML5 and XHTML converter library, ScroogeXHTML for the Java™ platform.
The Javadoc API is available on-line at
https://www.habarisoft.com/scroogexhtml_j/7.3.0/docs/api/index.html and included in the installer.
The product home page also contains links to the "Getting Started" PDF, the on-line demo and many other helpful resources (feature matrix, FAQ, previous release notes).
Changes in 7.3
• Added support for multiple external style sheets (property StyleSheetLinks), the StyleSheetLink property is now deprecated
• Performance improvements
• Updated izpack installer to version 5.1.3
• Removed unused methods
• Fixed Findbugs/Spotbugs warnings
Online demo
An online demo is located at