Hi First n Foremost we have a diffrent forum for IBM WebSphere..You can post messages there.. Yes I do use IBM Websphere3.5 on NT Platform.. I didnot understand what level or in What context you are asking these question.. As far as performance is concerned It does take lot of Memory resource on NT platform.. and It's implemented on EJB1.0 specification with JDK1.2.2.. If you need any further clarifications..Do mail me \reply to this. Cheers..Johnson
I agree with Rahul and Johnson, and am moving this to the "IBM Applications Forum" forum where they talk about this stuff and you can get some more answers.
Hi Rahul I know i am in WebSphere forum, but what is this post..
***************************** Matt, Could you please transfer this post to the WebSphere forum. ******************************************************** Thanks Konda