[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
Liutauras Vilda wrote:May you give an example?
Liutauras Vilda wrote:May you give an example?
This post did not quite meet our publishing standards and is hidden from view. Please check your PMs for why and edit this post to fix it. A moderator
will review your change and consider publishing it.
.The material is too difficult for the Beginning forum, so I shall move you
[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
Harry Kar wrote:The problem i face is recurrent (that's the third time if i remember well Knute Snortum can confirm)
is when i see the preview and click on the link too all seems well but after submit the link is browsed as source code
[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
Enabling HTML option makes system recognize HTML tags in the post and display contents accordingly else displays as simple text.
[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
Harry Kar wrote:@Ganesh
Enabling HTML option makes system recognize HTML tags in the post and display contents accordingly else displays as simple text.
I have to untick disable HTML in this message ?
Ganesh Patekar wrote:
Harry Kar wrote:@Ganesh
Enabling HTML option makes system recognize HTML tags in the post and display contents accordingly else displays as simple text.
I have to untick disable HTML in this message ?
Yes to enable HTML you have to untick Disable HTML in this message option.
[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
My Profile --> PreferencesHarry Kar wrote:i notice in editor mode in every post Disable HTM .. is ticked (even if i unticked it earlier) is there any way to set it permanently unticked?
Ganesh Patekar wrote:
My Profile --> PreferencesHarry Kar wrote:i notice in editor mode in every post Disable HTM .. is ticked (even if i unticked it earlier) is there any way to set it permanently unticked?
[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
Ganesh Patekar wrote:After tick marking Allow HTML in preferences you have to click on submit button beneath the all menus to save the profile changes then If changes saved successful you get information updated message, hope you did the same.
Go ahead and check again. This feature works like charm. The second browser tab might be the old one, opened when you had unchecked Allow HTML option in preferences.
[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
Harry Kar wrote:
Ganesh Patekar wrote:After tick marking Allow HTML in preferences you have to click on submit button beneath the all menus to save the profile changes then If changes saved successful you get information updated message, hope you did the same.
i don't describe it here but then yes i did exactly as ypu described it that; right now e.g. "Disable HTML in this message" is unticked but i observe it strait; as i refered i see it ticked with the same initial conditions
Go ahead and check again. This feature works like charm. The second browser tab might be the old one, opened when you had unchecked Allow HTML option in preferences.
I checked it it's ok(ticked allow HTML)
[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
Harry Kar wrote:
Harry Kar wrote:
Ganesh Patekar wrote:After tick marking Allow HTML in preferences you have to click on submit button beneath the all menus to save the profile changes then If changes saved successful you get information updated message, hope you did the same.
i don't describe it here but then yes i did exactly as ypu described it that; right now e.g. "Disable HTML in this message" is unticked but i observe it strait; as i refered i see it ticked with the same initial conditions
Go ahead and check again. This feature works like charm. The second browser tab might be the old one, opened when you had unchecked Allow HTML option in preferences.
I checked it it's ok(ticked allow HTML)
Till now i noticed it 2 times (Disable HTML ...) ticked. Mostly is unticked except that 2 times till now . Seems casual if not related/controlled in some manner from a previous page's state(shouldn't)
[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
Harry Kar wrote:PS: Is there an easy way to refer to a post in a thread? actually i take the post's address from the Quote's link and concatenates it with the tread's address
Liutauras Vilda wrote:
Harry Kar wrote:PS: Is there an easy way to refer to a post in a thread? actually i take the post's address from the Quote's link and concatenates it with the tread's address
There is. By right-mouse clicking on the little note icon near the post’s posting time and selecting copy address..
Do you want to create Wiki documenting such tips and tricks which are important to you as a user for a daily Ranch use? So might others could benefit too. I don’t think we ever created such document.
[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
Harry Kar wrote:Till now i noticed it 2 times (Disable HTML ...) ticked. Mostly is unticked except that 2 times till now.
Ganesh Patekar wrote:This is my 4th post since I ticked Allow HTML option in My profile--> preferences. While posting those 4 posts I saw Disable HTML in this message option was unticked as expected.
Harry Kar wrote:PS: in editing that one i notice "Disable HTML .." is ticked again; +1 then
Ganesh Patekar wrote: ... Not sure which two times you're talking about. ..
[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
Liutauras Vilda wrote: .... Ganesh is right, record what you mean, because we are having hard times to understand what the issue is. I'd like to think no issue there at all.
[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
Harry Kar wrote:
Liutauras Vilda wrote: .... Ganesh is right, record what you mean, because we are having hard times to understand what the issue is. I'd like to think no issue there at all.
Here it is i was acting in the beginners faq page (added Object Orientation list)
notice that i don't touch anything on preferences nor in options((on purpose that post too have ticked Disable HTML)
Edit : i got Files with the extension .ogv are not allowed as attachment in the message. Any workaround?
[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
Harry Kar wrote:It's here
Files are available publicly and anyone can browse the file database at File Dropper. Files are stored for as long as they are being downloaded.
[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
Liutauras Vilda wrote:It seems it isn’t youtube. Please upload to youtube, so we can open and watch right away without any downloading.
[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
Liutauras Vilda wrote:Anyway, all getting too long.
I have mentioned before, that each thread, post is unique with its own captured metada during the time it was created. If you were trying to edit one of FAQ pages, and that tick wasn’t there, that means post has such metadata regardless of your own profile preferences. Preferences are taken into account only for new posts - that makes sense, doesn’t it?
[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
Liutauras Vilda wrote:It seems it isn’t youtube. Please upload to youtube, so we can open and watch right away without any downloading.
[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
Liutauras Vilda wrote:Just checked your recording. So I explained twice already in this thread: 4 days ago and earlier today why it is like that. Behaviour is expected and wanted like that, so no bug, that is what we verified also with Ganesh 4 days ago.
[Arguing with an engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig. After a few hours, you realize that he likes it] [Learn code first? no we apply to learn programming(or also)first thanks]
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