Hi, I installed visualage for java in linux and windows NT, in both case I didn't find EJB tab in the IDE, but for NT edition of VAJ i downloaded VAJ with EJB and JSP supports only, is there any special way to configure or am i committing mistake, can anybody help me
Hi, Go to quick start from the file option, go to add feature, add EJB Development Environment and websphere test environment from there.You should see the EJB Tab. Cheers, Daman
Hi, I am able to do the same now, but the problem now is I am unable to start the persitent server in control center, I have configured with oracle database, while starting the server its saying ejs.jar not found, Name already exist exception its throwing, I am able to start servlet engine, Is any path I have to include in the classpath apart from oracle driver path, if so let me know. thanks
Hi, Try to find the following files and put them in ur classpath by going to window-options-resources, classess111.zip(ull find this in the oracle installation subdirectory) , ujc.jar( find this in lib of websphere installation). Make sure that the driver syntax is correct and the db url is also like jdbcracle:thin:@mypcname:1512(or whatever port ur oracle service is running on):servicename Hope this helps, Daman
Hi, I can't find the EJB tab!!! In the start option- Add Feature I do not see any option saying " add EJB Development Environment " . I am using VisualAge for Java Professional edition 3.5 How do do this? regards, Suchitra
Hi Suchitra, I believe you can develop EJB components with the VisualAge for Java Enterprise Edition only.In the Professional Edition you donot have the facility to develop Enterprise Components. However, since I have not worked with this product, it would be nice if someone could confirm this. Thanks, Sandeep [This message has been edited by Desai Sandeep (edited June 30, 2001).]
Thanx Sandeep, Yes ,you are right. I have confirmed this. In the Professional Edition we do have the javax.ejb package available and deployment related classes,but the ejb tab and related features come with the Enterprise Edition only. regards, Suchitra
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