I received the following in the log many times while working with VAJ 3.5.3.
An exception occurred in a system program.
Terminating Default (System) (8/4/2001 1:00:51 PM)
</pre> I then exited VAJ and when I tried starting again, it simply refused to start!I had to reboot my system to start VAJ property.
Interesting when it started again (after rebooting the system), instead of the splash screen, I saw, a dialog which showed a
message that the workspace files are not consistent with the repository and VAJ is trying to rectify this.
If I remember correctly, probably this is what I did before getting the exception in the log :
- A package by the name of AddingMachineFinal Ver. 1.1 existed which has 2 Java files UnboundExample and BoundExample.
- I imported a repository (some.dat) file for adding Version 1.2 in the workspace.This package consisted only BoundExample
in the AddingMachineFinal package
- I replaced the Version 1.1 with Version 1.2 for this package.
I am not able to reproduce the same exception again by following the above steps.Was this the cause of the exception in the first place?
Would appreciate your views on this.
SCJP2,OCSD(Oracle JDeveloper),OCED(Oracle Internet Platform)