Thank's for reply
The EAR file was created using a batch file written by me according to my application.It is having 53 EJB's(52 of them are stateless beans and one is stateful,no entity beans).
It was deployed perfectly in WebLogic 5.1 and Jboss+Tomcat servers with little modifications according to server specific XML file.In both the servers the application is running,we don't have any problem.Now I tried to deploye the same application in WebSphere 4.0.Any way stright away we can't deploye the same EAR file created in WebLogic and Jboss.For that I used Application Assembler tool to modify the EAR file according to WebSphere 4.0.And I used ADMIN console in browser to deploye the EAR file.It is deployed now.
But one thing is I have 53 EJB's and almost 200 front end pages(JSP,js,HTML and some images).
When I am createing EAR file through batch file I just moved all the content into WAR file spacifying deployment descriptor in Web.xml .
Now I am using AAT for building WAR or EAR file.From this tool I am adding my components one by one.How long it will take to add more than 100 JSP files by adding like this.
If you have any method to add all the front end stuff, please let me know.
The whole thing happend because the same WAR file which I created and deployed in WEbLogic and Jboss+tomcat is not deployed here in WebSphere.But one thing is it took the jar file which is part of EAR file and loaded with out any problem.
Please show me a way to create EAR file(JAR+WAR) quickly as I did in other servers.
Now I am able to deploy the EAR file and could not able to access it.From ADMIN it is showing application is running.
The application(CRM) name is some thing like GITCRM.ear
It is created a folder in installedapps with that name.And now I need an URL to access it.
I am trying out with diff URL's(trail and error methods)
http://localhost:9080/WebShereSamples/GITCRM/index.jsp http://localhost:9080/GITCRM/index.jsp what URL I have to use to acces my application.
My ContextRoot is crm
And one final doubt is I am using INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY as
is that correct.
Do we have to import any special IBM package to recognize that context?
I am very thankful if you clearafy my boudts as I mentioned above.And one thing I for got tell you is my OS it is Windows 2000.
Thank's a lot for reding all this and EAGERLY waiting for your reply.
waiting waiting ......