trying to create a report using jasperstudio I created an new servlet, but my problem still the same. I have find this servlet in Youtube site but I'm getting an erro.
OK, so where is the app deployed?
There should be a webapp directory (or something along those lines) where your Glassfish is, containing your application.
Inside there will be a WEB-INF folder, and inside that will be a lib folder containing the jar files your application uses.
I will say, though, that trawling through old Jasper versions I can't actually find one that that method does not exist, so this could be a red herring.
When creating new project in Netbeans I choice Maven>WEB Application.
My tree project is:
.Project Name
.Web pages
.Package of reports
- Jasper
.jsp pages(into WEB-INF)
.Remote Files
.Package of code
.Package generated by project with maven option(com.itc.)
.Servlet, DAO, Bean and others java class
.(other files generated when created new project)
Well, a web app ought to be deployed to a server.
What you are relying on with your JSP is for Netbeans to do the work for you, possibly in a way that is not correct for your app.
I might be being a bit of a Luddite, but I've never had much fun with the built in debug/servers in IDEs. They always seem to have something set up incorrectly.
It's also really hard to find out what has actually been deployed, and that side of things is (in my experience) 90% of the issues you encounter where an app hasn't started correctly.
I would suggest building a WAR file and dropping that into the Glassfish autodeploy directory (it looks like).
I think (not used Glassfish, so I'm guessing here) that explodes into a directory when Glassfish is running.