I'm working with WAS 4.0/Linux, deploying an .ear that works properly on NT and WSAD. Someone else set up the server, and presumably tested the sample apps, but when I deployed the .ear file with the wizard from a remote client console to the localhost node (the Default Server for which was stopped), and ran it, none of the
EJB would start. Fine.
I created another node and deployed the sample app to that one, was able to start the server and all sample ejbs started.
Here's my problem: I can't get to the machine through the standard
test url, and want to remove the node I created so as to restore WAS to the state it was in before I mucked it up. Unfortunately, I can't remove the node, either from the client
java console, or wscp> Node remove /Node:foo/. On the java console, Remove is grayed out, and wscp gives me this:
WSCP0144E: /Node:dev22app/ cannot be removed because it is running; exception was com.ibm.ejs.sm.exception.RunningObjectRemoveException
wscp> Node stop /Node:dev22app/
wscp> Node remove /Node:dev22app/
[01.12.18 19:29:04:378 EST] 2836d506 MasterProxy W WWLM0019: Method getNextClone found no usable proxies in the list. Current exception:
(I can't remove it when it's running, and when I stop it, wscp can't get a handle on the AppServer to do anything.)
Thanks in advance for any help