The application appears to be doing some non-JSF stuff in
JSF components. Although you're missing an image file from the WAR, the biggest problem seems to be that the app is attempting to manually insert HTML headers into a JSF response and it's doing so at a point in time after JSF has sent the last official HTML header.
I can't identify any user-written code that's at fault,so it's possible that you've simply combined some incompatible libraries.
Although there's also the possibility that you have a custom errorpage and it's failing because it's apparently a JSF page. As a general rule, resources that are defined in web.xml (loginpage, errorpage, and so forth) should NOT be JSF pages, because they're being dispatched directly by WebSphere and not via the normal Http request handler pipeline and thus do not have proper JSF context. Such pages are best done as simple HTML or
JSP pages.