On our system we�ve installed IBM HTTP Server 1.3.12 and WebSphere 3.5.5 with an well working application. Now I tried to migrate to WebSphere 4 using the automatic migration option when installing WS4. In the migration process there are some errors and warnings according to the application. When I now try to start the admin server, I get an ___adminServerFatalError file, where I find this error line:
[02.03.12 14:56:57:125 GMT+01:00] 15ee43bd AdminServer X WSVR0009E: Fehler beim Start
java.lang.IllegalAccessError: try to access field COM/ibm/db2/jdbc/app/DB2Driver.loaded from class COM/ibm/db2/jdbc/DB2BaseDataSource
The "old" system uses UDB V6.1 for its repository which I migrated to UDB V7.2 in a previous step. After migration I switched to
JDBC 2.0 (using the USEJDBC2.BAT).
Can someone help me?
Best regards