When I try to run ejbDeploy (via
ANT build.xml)
I get an error to the affect that deploy tool
is not recognizing the "id" field in my VehiclePK
class as one of the attributes from VehicleBean
class. It somehow thinks the hashCode field
in VehiclePK class constitutes one of the
keys. In my VehiclePK class I see the "id"
field public and hashCode private. What am I
doing wrong? I have a feeling one my xmi files
is not telling the whole truth to the ejbDeloy.bat
Here's the transcript from ant .....
Buildfile: build.xml
[echo] Build of
ejb started at 1216 on March 18 2002
[echo] Compiling ejb
[mkdir] Created dir: D:\work\cameo\dev\WAS\RentACar\Iteration3\build\ejb
[javac] Compiling 11 source files to D:\work\cameo\dev\WAS\RentACar\Iteration3\build\ejb
[echo] Finished compiling ejb
[echo] Packaging ejb
[jar] Building jar: D:\work\cameo\dev\WAS\RentACar\Iteration3\modules\RentACar-ejb.jar
[echo] Deploying EJB JAR file
[exec] [*Error] /RentACar-ejb.jar: CHKJ2205E: The primary key field hashCode
declared in key class rental.ejb.entity.VehiclePK for enterprise bean
Vehicle is not public. Read section of the EJB 1.1 specification for details.
[exec] [*Error] /RentACar-ejb.jar: CHKJ2206E: The primary key field hashCode
declared in primary key class rental.ejb.entity.VehiclePK uses an
unknown name. The names of the fields in rental.ejb.entity.VehiclePK
must be a subset of the names of the fields in Vehicle. Read section of the EJB 1.1 specification for details.
[exec] Execution Halted: Validation Errors Reported
[exec] 2 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Informational Messages
[move] Could not find file D:\temp\RentACar-ejb.jar to copy.
D:\work\cameo\dev\WAS\RentACar\Iteration3\src\ejb\build.xml:65: Could not find file D:\temp\RentACar-ejb.jar to copy.
Total time: 30 seconds
Thanks for ur help,
[ March 18, 2002: Message edited by: Prashanth Joisha ]