Replying to Mustang India-
with WS 4.0.x the concept has been totally changed due to changes in the specs for J2EE. You can no longer deploy an app in the traditional servlet/web fashion.
with WS 4.0 your app is packed into a war file and the deployment descriptor (web.xml) describes everything about the app, its resources , links and mappings etc.
Further more ibm provides few "xmi" files which are used to configure the app the way websphere wants. In other words,the file serving servlet and the JSP invoker servlet is all gone, now in one of the "ibm-web-ext.xmi" files you specify saying fileServingEnabled="true" or . This xmi file is one per web-app.
Also there is another file called "ibm-web-bind.xmi" which is used to bind the app to a particular host.
so in all there are 3 files needed to describe your app completely to the appserver.
1. ibm-web-ext.xmi (container specific)
2. ibm-web-bind.xmi (container specific)
3. web.xml (regular J2EE)
they are created by default when you use WSAD (websphere studio application developer).
For the latest and the greatest on websphere refer to the following link I pretty much look this site everyday to keep track of latest things in websphere.
With weblogic you need the following to deploy the app.
1. weblogic.xml (container specific)
2. web.xml (Regular J2EE)
Hope this helps.
[ April 23, 2002: Message edited by: Matt Anderson ]
[ April 23, 2002: Message edited by: Matt Anderson ]