WebSphere 4.0 does not include MQ Series. You need to go to the IBM Website and download the 60-day trial of MQ Series if you have not purchased it. Then, you need to go to VADD and read Ryan Cox's first articleand second article to find out how to set it up. Kyle
I am getting this error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/rmi/iiop/ORB do you have any idea? What port I should use PROVIDER_URL=iiop://localhost:900 or PROVIDER_URL=iiop://localhost:9090 (server admin uses that port port 9090)?
Please use IBM JDK, and make sure you have right classpaths. If you use MQSeries, it has MA88 to provide JMS features. And read through the articles pointed out by Kyle, it tells you how to setup classpath.
Simon Song
Certified Entperise Developer of Websphere
a fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool - shakespeare. foolish tiny ad: