You will have to excuse my ignorance on web application deployment. I have been focusing on EJBs.
You said:
"EAR is deployed into installedApps folder under WAS, so if you change the context root, you can easily rename the folder without regenerate ear and deploy it. It works in my environment, give a try."
Yeah, I know where the applications are installed, but I don't understand the file structure you are talking about. That was the reason for my questions "Is the context root entry abstract, or can I find that physical structure (I assumed is was hidden in the war file), but you seem to be suggesting I could see the admin subdirectory under installedApps.
I have an admin.ear directory and an admin.war subdirectory. But then, all war files seem to be subdirectories of the .ear subdirectory. For example, the YourCo.war file is a subdirectory of the samples.ear, and the application.xml file for the samples application has the following entry...
I don't see /WebSphereSamples as a physical directory under installedApps.
Also, you said I may need to put in the full url. It would seem that an index.html file found at the context root would be served up by default. In fact I would think you would be able to name what your default files would be (i.e. like IIS). That probably would happen with the HTTP server admin.
By the way, "what is the name" and "Where is" the physical web server plug-in file that gets saved?
[ April 22, 2002: Message edited by: Mike Jones ]