Hi everyone,
I'm developing a book for Wrox Press with IBM on developing
J2EE applications with the new release of WebSphere application server due out later this year. I'm looking for a couple of people to review the material prior to publication.
By review I mean, you will be required to read through the chapters and comment on their accuracy, relevance and usefulness. These comments will be fedback to the authors for them to make appropriate adjustments as required.
I need people with the following:
* Familiarity with J2EE 1.3
* Familiarity with at least WAS4
* Sufficient time over the next couple of months to be able to turn around a chapter in 2-3 days
* Access to MS
Word * A strong grasp of English - although we won't ask you to check for spelling and grammer, we will ask for you to point out if anything is confusingly written.
If you are interested and meet the above requirements then mail me at
craigb@wrox.com Thanks
Craig Berry
Commissioning Editor
Wrox Press