I have an SSO enabled environment with Websphere 4.0.3 and Domino 5.0.8 that uses Domino's HTTP stack. Everything works fine as far as SSO goes and I have tested that thoroughly. I am trying to deploy an application(.ear) that I have exported from Websphere Studio Application Developer. I used the Application Assembly tool to compile the ear file and then imported it into Websphere. Alls well. I then regenerated the plugin in Websphere. That went well too. The context root of the web module is "AXYWeb". But when I try the following URL in teh bowser I get a 404 error. -
http://axy.temp.com/AXYWeb/index.jsp Also I cant access the default application -
http://axy.temp.com/webapp/examples BUT I CAN get the following snoop and Hello
servlets to work -
http://axy.temp.com/servlet/snoop. Is there something additionl to be done in addition to what I have already done to get teh URL to work? The Node that hosts teh application is started (evident by the snoop working). Also the applicatons themselves are running. The application works great in WSAD. Do I need to do anything in Domino's HTTP Web Server so that it recognizes the application? ( I have already set the Servelt engine in Dominos server document to "Third party Serlvet Engine" as part of SSO).The application is deployed on the Default Server. Any help would be appreciated.