posted 22 years ago
Hi Kyle,
If we create EJB based on schema model, the ejb name will be same as the database table name. suppose if the table name contains '_' or '-', the EJB name will reflect the same. Will there be any problem when the EJB name contains '_' or'-' during deployment or when it is accessed? I got some info (no proof available) when the EJB name contains '_'s, java.rmi.CORBA exceptions with minor code .. and Transaction Rollback exception etc. So i would like to have a clarification that if any special characters ('_','-') in EJB name will result in error or not.
If we create a EJB and map the columns manually, we can give the EJB name the way we want (Hungarian notation.. like TestBean).
One more clarification i would like to ask?
Can i create set of EJBs based on Schema model and change each Bean's base class to ECEntityBean (WCS 5.1)? Will it work without any change or any customization to be done?
thanks in advance.